
How To Stop Showing Bids And Offers On Ebay App

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There's no denying the popularity of eBay. With a huge 182 million users worldwide, the online marketplace is attractive to buyers and sellers alike.

"Online marketplaces, like eBay, have really come into their own during lockdown with many consumers turning to the when high street retailers have been closed," says Caroline Bloor, Consumer Affairs Director at Good Housekeeping. "However, with internet shopping being so convenient, it's easy to make purchases without really thinking about it."

If you've placed a bid for an item then changed your mind, you may be able to retract your offer. In certain circumstances, it's possible to cancel a bid on eBay. Here's everything you need to know…

Am I allowed to cancel a bid?

Sometimes. In some cases, eBay will let you cancel a bid you've made – usually if the seller is acting suspiciously or dishonestly. eBay states that a buyer can retract a bid they've made if any of the following apply...

  • The seller has changed the description of an item you've already bid for significantly.
  • You bid the wrong amount! For example, if you enter an extra zero, accidentally bidding £300 instead of the intended £30, you can take back your bid. You can then enter the correct amount you wished to bid in the first place – typing very carefully!
  • The seller is a no-show. If you find you can't email, call or contact the seller, you are allowed to retract your bid.

    If you just change your mind about an item you have bid for, you can't retract your bid, however. This is what eBay calls an 'invalid bid retraction'. If you make an invalid bid retraction, the seller has the right to report you to eBay, which can then take further action like suspending your account, if necessary, So, only cancel a bid if you are confident you meet the criteria.

    And if you're unhappy about the service you've received from a seller (if something you've bought doesn't arrive or if it's faulty, damaged or not as described, for instance) you can report them to eBay.

    cancel bid ebay

    Oscar Wong Getty Images

    How do I cancel an eBay bid?

    Cancelling an eBay bid can be done via the 'retracting a bid' page, using the 'retract a bid' button. Simply click on this, then select the product you wish to retract your bid for and give your reason for doing so. You'll find lots of other helpful advice on this page, too.

    Is there a timeframe for cancelling a bid?

    If you do wish to cancel your bid – and believe you have a valid reason for doing so – timing is everything:

    • If the listing ends in over 12 hours, all bids can be retracted.
    • If the listing ends in under 12 hours, you can retract your most recent bid, but only if it's been less than an hour since you placed it.
      cancel bid ebay

      Marko Geber Getty Images

      How can I avoid having to cancel a bid?

      Practicing good buying techniques can help stop you making a bid you later regret:

      • Double-check you've bid the right amount, especially if you're making a last-minute bid.
      • Ask yourself 'Do I really need this product?' before you make a bid – even if it looks like a great bargain. Can you afford it and have you budgeted for it?
      • Check the description of the product carefully before placing a bid. If you're thinking of bidding on an electrical product, check it comes with a warranty. If not, it's best to avoid placing a bid at all.
      • Compare other products before you bid. Don't be pressured into making a decision. There's a vast number of sellers on eBay, many of whom will be selling similar products. It's always best to check out all of your options first.

        TOP TIP: If you've placed a bid then decide you no longer want the item, eBay advises you to contact the seller and ask them to cancel your bid. They are not obliged to do this for you, but be polite and courteous and explain the situation. It might make them willing to reconsider.

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        How To Stop Showing Bids And Offers On Ebay App


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