
Writing A Letter To A Teacher

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Your teacher plays an important role in your life, and sometimes you want to show your appreciation by writing them a letter. While writing a good letter might seem hard, it's easy once you get started. Your teacher will be very happy that you took the time to share your thoughts. If you want to write your teacher a letter, start by greeting your teacher. Then think about what you want to say and write that down in the main part of the letter. Finally, close your letter and sign it.

Sample Letters

  1. 1

    Choose a card or paper that you think your teacher will like. You can write your letter on a premade card or on a white sheet of paper. If you're using a card, pick one that makes you think of your teacher.

    • Ask your parents or guardian if they have any cards you can use. They may also be willing to take you shopping for a new card.
    • You could also make a card for your teacher using either plain printer paper or construction paper. Your teacher will appreciate the effort you put into the card.
  2. 2

    Write your name and the date in the upper right corner. Include your first and last name. The date will help your teacher know when you wrote the letter.[1]

    • Your teacher may cherish the letter for years to come. Including your name and the date will help them remember who wrote the letter.
  3. 3

    Start your letter with "Dear" followed by your teacher's name. This is a polite form of greeting known as a salutation. Include the title you use for your teacher, such as Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., or Coach.[2]

    • Use the name your teacher prefers. If your teacher has asked you to call them by their first name, then it's fine to use their first name in your letter. For example, if you call your teacher Coach Sue, then you can say, "Dear Coach Sue."
    • Don't start your letter with "hi" or "hey." It's too informal.
  4. 4

    Write a comma after your teacher's name, then skip a line. This is the traditional way of opening a letter, and skipping a line makes it easier for your teacher to read what you write. Now that your opening is complete, you are ready to write your message to your teacher.

  1. 1

    Start with 1 to 2 sentences telling your teacher what the letter is about. This will tell your teacher what to expect from the letter. For example, you may be writing your teacher a letter of appreciation.[3]

    • Say, "I am writing this letter to tell you how happy I am to be in your class because you are the best teacher. This year has been hard, but you helped me do my best."
  2. 2

    Give your teacher a few examples of what you appreciate about them. Consider why you are writing the letter, then choose the best examples to show your teacher what it is that you appreciate about them. To make your letter more personal, be specific and tell them how their actions made you feel.[4]

    • You could write, "I appreciate the time you spent tutoring me after school. I felt like I would never understand multiplication, but you never let me give up. I'm so happy you're my teacher!"
    • If you're having trouble deciding what to say, grab a sheet of scratch paper and do some brainstorming. Write down reasons why you like your teacher, times that they've helped you, or what you've learned from them. Then pick a few of your favorite reasons and use those in your letter.
  3. 3

    Finish the body of your letter by thanking them again. Write 1 to 3 sentences that sum up what you've said. Remind your teacher that you are appreciative of what they've done for you.[5]

    • You could say, "Thank you for being a great teacher this year. I'm so happy I got to be in your class. I hope you have an incredible summer!"
  1. 1

    Close and sign your letter. Pick a polite closing, like "sincerely," "best," "thank you," or "yours truly." Then, skip 1 or 2 lines and sign your name.[6]

    • Your closing should look something like this: "Sincerely, Brian."
  2. 2

    Proofread your letter. Read over your letter once or twice to catch any spelling or grammar mistakes. Then, ask a trusted adult to do the same.

    • You may be able to fix some small mistakes. However, if you find yourself crossing out whole sentences, it's probably a good idea to start fresh so your letter looks nice and neat.
    • White-out can be helpful in correcting mistakes.
  3. 3

    Put your letter in an envelope. Ask your parents or guardian for an envelope and slip your letter inside. If you're giving your letter to your teacher in person, just write their name on the front and hand it to them before or after class.

  4. 4

    Address your envelope if you want to mail your letter. Ask your parents or guardian to help you address the envelope using the correct address and formatting specific to your country.

    • The envelope should include your teacher's address in the center and your own address in the top left corner.
    • If your handwriting is a little messy, it might be a good idea to ask an adult to write your teacher's address for you so your letter doesn't get lost in the mail.
    • Don't forget to ask your parents or guardian for a stamp.

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    How do I write a semi-formal letter to my teacher wishing her a happy birthday?



    Community Answer

    Write about things you are thankful for (like how she has helped you learn), any inside jokes, or funny moments during class. You can sign off with just your name and nothing else, or with "Happy Birthday, your name."

  • Question

    How do I write a letter to my new teacher?

    Community Answer

    Be very respectful, sign on and off properly and end with, "Respectfully, (your name)."

  • Question

    How can I write a thank you letter that comes from my heart?

    Community Answer

    Do exactly that. Share what it in your heart regarding your teacher and the subject. If your teacher helped you in any specific way, make sure to include that in your note.

  • Question

    How can I write about a second chance on a test?

    Community Answer

    Explain to your teacher why you think you failed or didn't do well on the test, and ask for a second opportunity. Describe for her how you'll prepare to make sure you get a better grade this time.

  • Question

    How should I write a letter to persuade my teacher to say good things in a parent/teacher conference?

    Community Answer

    You shouldn't write one. The only way to ensure your teacher says good things in a parent/teacher conference is by being a good student.

  • Question

    When writing to my teacher, is that a formal or informal letter?

    Community Answer

    Formal. Your teacher is an authority figure, not your friend.

  • Question

    How should parents write a thank-you note to a teacher?

    Community Answer

    You just Write a Thank You Letter as normal, but throw in some specifics like, "Whenever my son came home from school, he would always tell me what had happened during the day and how much he enjoyed your class." Tell the teacher how proud you are of what your child has learned and how much you appreciate him/her for teaching.

  • Question

    How do I write a permission letter to my teacher?

    Community Answer

    You will probably need a parent to write a permission letter for you. Usually, the school will only accept permission letters from parents.

  • Question

    How can I write about a second chance on a test?

    Community Answer

    Tell your teacher that your grades mean a lot to you and that you're willing to work hard to improve your test grade. Then, ask if they can give you a second chance or offer you some extra credit. Don't forget to thank your teacher for their time.

  • Question

    How do I write a teacher asking for guidance?

    Community Answer

    Simply list all the things you need help with and your teacher will help you.

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  • You may want to keep a copy of your letter.

  • Ask a parent to read your letter, so they can help you find and fix spelling and grammar mistakes.

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  • Never send a letter without having a parent or other trusted adult look over it first, especially if you are writing about a serious issue.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen or word processing program
  • Paper
  • Card and envelope (if needed)

About This Article

Article SummaryX

To write a letter to your teacher, start by writing your name and the date in the upper right corner of the page so your teacher knows who the letter is from. Then, open your letter with "Dear" followed by your teacher's name, like "Dear Ms. Brown." After the greeting, write 1-2 sentences letting your teacher know why you're writing to them. For example, you might write something like, "I'm writing to tell you how happy I am to be in your class this year. You're one of my favorite teachers!" In the body of your letter, include a few examples of why you appreciate your teacher, like a time they tutored you after school or helped you do well on a test. Once you've written everything you have to say, end your letter with a polite closing, like "Sincerely" or "Best." Finish your letter by signing your name underneath the closing. For tips on how to proofread your letter before giving it to your teacher, scroll down!

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Writing A Letter To A Teacher


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